Darren Humphries

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Darren Humphries

Darren is a long time, grizzled mobile tech enthusiast from Canada. He is a Microsoft MVP for Windows Phone, an Editor with MobileJaw.com and co-host of TheLoveOfTech Podcast.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Get your tweet on with Windows Phone

While we all sit and wait for the next OS update, what do you do on your Windows Phone?  Personally I waste a ton of time on Twitter. So, what are your options for twitter on Windows Phone?  Let's...

Is interest in Windows Phone waning?

I hate to say it, I really do, but interest in Windows Phone seems to be waning. Its been an interesting ride for Windows Phone so far but the ride is slowing down.  When Microsoft first introduced...

Why Microsoft should make Windows Phone tablets

I wants me some Windows Phone tablets!! Ok, it probably won’t happen but I would love to see a tablet based on Windows Phone.  In order to accomplish this Microsoft would have to change the OS name...

Should Microsoft have made their own Windows Phone?

Which business model is the right one: Apple’s or Microsoft’s? Actually, Apple isn’t the only company that specs and sells its own phones; RIM, Nokia, and HP/Palm do as well.  The other camp (...

Windows Phone takes on your New Year's resolution!

What is your News Year’s resolution?  Wait!  Don’t tell me yet! Most people give up on their resolutions within the first 1 to 2 weeks.  So, how can your Windows Phone help you stick to your guns...

Palm Pre 2 Review by Darren

My initial reaction to the leaks of the Palm Pre 2 were along the lines of a famous Albert Einstein quote: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  ...

Got your new Windows Phone? Now what?

Was Santa good to you this year?  Now that you have a new Windows Phone 7 device, what do you do next? Whether this is your first smartphone or you are migrating from another platform it can be...

Windows Phone 7: Social or not?

By “social” I am not asking if your phone is nice to your friends ‘cause that’s just weird.  Plus, I don’t want to assume you even have friends!  Come to think of it, if you don’t have a social...

How will Microsoft wrangle the reluctant?

It’s hard to know how Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 is doing so far.  Certainly, there are already a lot of users that love the platform but how has that translated to sales?  Is the channel being...

Will Windows Phone 7 survive?

Will Windows Phone survive? I suppose that's too simple a question.  How about this - will Windows Phone 7 survive long-term? Will it compete toe-to-toe with iOS, Android and RIM?  Will it overtake...

Take it to "the cloud" with Windows Phone 7

Do I have to switch the online services I use now?Should I switch the online services I use now? Oh, the sleepless nights!  You just got or are thinking of getting a Windows Phone and are not sure...

Should you get a Windows Phone 7 device?

By now you probably all know about Microsoft’s reboot into the mobile market with Windows Phone 7, officially available since the beginning of the month.  What you may not know is if it’s the phone...
