Anna Scantlin

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Anna Scantlin

Anna is a Contributing Editor at She was born and raised in Kansas City, which ironically is not located in Kansas, but in neighboring Missouri. She has an ornery son named Riley, who may or may not be more obsessed with technology than she is. Her passions include writing, drawing, gaming, music, and of course mobile tech! She's been a member of the PhoneDog team since August of 2012 and is a serial cell phone hoarder.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Can HP resurface and succeed in the mobile market?

It's been a while since I've been able to say that my handset or tablet was made by HP. Technically, I still can't say this, but it might not be long before that statement is entirely possible again...

One of the biggest up and ups this year? Wireless charging

CES 2014 is winding down now, and with its end we can reflect on some of the new tech we'll be seeing this year: curved displays on TVs and smartphones, a fancy upgrade to the Pebble smartwatch, and...

I hope Windows Phone 8 finally catches up this year

New year, new platform - that's how I'm starting out my 2014. I've explained over the past few articles how I've decided to switch gears once again, this time it's from Android to Windows Phone 8....

Are we getting to a sweet spot where specs don't matter?

Every time you turn around there seems to be some new smartphone with bigger and better features hitting the shelves. One minute you're happy with a phone that has a dual-core processor and 1GB of...

TouchWiz needs that TouchUp to regenerate interest

Time flies when you're in the tech industry, and already we're nearly halfway through January and halfway through CES 2014. It's an exciting time as we learn about the future tech involved in this...

My first true glimpse into Microsoft's Windows Phone 8

I had intended to do another write-up regarding stuff going on with CES, but I found that during my write-up that I couldn't stop thinking about all of the things I wanted to talk about regarding my...

TouchWiz and Modern UI had a baby, and it's called Magazine UX

CES 2014 is in full swing right now, and with yesterday being Day 1 we had a lot of new ground to cover when it comes to anticipated tech we'll be seeing in 2014. We were able to see plans from...

Meizu's Flyme OS is simplified done right

I have a secret "thing" for minimalism. I don't know exactly what it is about being plain as day, but when it comes to technology I feel like a minimalist design can go a long way in terms of design...

Top tech to look for at CES 2014

CES 2014, or Consumer Electronics Show, officially begins in just two days. CES comes only once a year and is one of the biggest demonstration events of the year when it comes to electronics. It's a...

What could T-Mobile do to make you T-Move to their network?

Last year, T-Mobile did a whole lot in order to complete their 2013 New Year's resolution: shaking up the industry. They got rid of contracts, created affordable plans, and have even offered to give...

Should Samsung drop focus on hardware and focus solely on software?

I tried to start this article off by posing a thoughtful question, but after a little consideration "What makes a smartphone a smartphone?" didn't seem like a very good question to ask; the answer...

What would you control with your smartphone?

CES 2014 is just a few days away at this point, starting on January 7 and lasting until the 10th in beautiful Las Vegas. Every year the Consumer Electronics Show takes place, and every year we are...

New year, new platform: Do you plan on switching platforms this year?

It's pretty early in the game this year, so perhaps this title in itself is unable to be answered at this point in time for many people. But for others, 2014 might end up being a big year. For a lot...

I hope some manufacturers stick to smaller screens

2014 is upon us now, as many of you know (or perhaps you don't if you're still recovering from a crazy New Year's Eve party - no judgements here) and with the new year brings a lot of potential for...

I can't find my camera, but I don't really care

Since you've started using a smartphone, have you ever noticed that there are certain things that used to be in your life that are no longer relevant anymore? Perhaps it's that calculator you used...
