Evan Selleck

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Evan Selleck

Evan is a Contributing Editor for PhoneDog. He's been in the mobile industry for more than seven years, in one capacity or another. He's always had a passion for technology as a whole, but smartphones will always hold a special place of interest for him. He's a father, a student, and a lover of food. His other passions include hockey, soccer, baseball, video games, and movies. He'll talk your ear off about all of those things, if you give him the chance.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Have location tracking applications gotten out of hand?

The way we interact with people has really changed over the last several years, hasn’t it? I mean, it used to be about meeting face-to-face, or a simple phone call, or a page here and there. These...

Will there be any physical buttons for our mobile devices in the future?

Over the weekend I went to go see Real Steel (Rock ‘Em, Sock ‘Em Robots!), and while I enjoyed the movie, I couldn’t help but notice all of the ways the movie showcased the future. Sure, giant...

If the iPhone 4S is such a failure, how can it be a success?

So now that pre-orders for the iPhone 4S have begun, it shouldn’t be surprising to anyone that Twitter pretty much blew up again early yesterday morning. Everyone talking about pre-orders, how the...

Have you chosen to go completely wireless?

The shift to a cord-free lifestyle wasn’t a gradual one. For some people, the realization that having a bunch of cables tangled around your feet, or around your body, or coming out of your pockets...

With Xbox Companion, is Microsoft one step closer to hitting gold?

While everyone is aware that new and better things are coming down the pipe, from every manufacturer and every developer out there, some companies and individuals handle it differently than others....

Will Samsung's Galaxy Nexus be crushed by its own rumors as well?

The funny thing about the media, about news outlets and everything in between is that there are all sorts of information to digest at any time. If you’re looking for information on a new phone,...

Does Windows Phone really need multitasking?

So now that Windows Phone 7.5 is out and in the wild, for most of you, if you’ve got yourself a Windows Phone device there’s a chance that you’ve been using the latest huge update to Microsoft’s...

Should Amazon buy Palm?

Have you ever noticed that the rumor mill just never quits? I think at any point of the day, you could sniff out a rumor about any one manufacturer you’re interested, whether it be Apple (that...

Should Amazon have launched a 10-inch tablet at the same time?

So now that the Amazon Kindle Fire is the real thing, and people are still talking about it around the Internet, it’s time we take a swing at it, together. Let’s start a discussion about the tablet...

Do Windows Phone apps sacrifice speed for aesthetics?

Now that Windows Phone 7.5 is out there in the wild, and people are using the latest major update to Microsoft’s mobile operating system, there’s going to be a considerable amount of focus on...

Should Motorola bring back the RAZR name?

There has to be something said for nostalgia. In some instances, it can make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All it takes is remembering a past action, thought, or event to bring back that warm...

How likely are you to switch your carrier to get a new phone?

So there are loyalists out there, in every capacity. As Taylor postulated yesterday to the masses, manufacturer or mobile OS loyalists exist. In fact, if you’re one of those folks that denounce...

Google's in an entirely different race, and they've already won

Ah, the smartphone race. It’s one for the memory books, isn’t it? It’s been going for quite some time now, but it really started heating up right around 2007. There are some iPhone fans out there...

Should we just let webOS die?

It isn’t just webOS’ future that’s in shambles. As we’ve recently heard, it’s all of HP that’s looking a little haggard at this point. With talk that the company’s current CEO, Leo Apotheker, is on...

Are you picky when it comes to buying gadgets?

When we slap down plenty of our hard-earned dollars for a gadget, any gadget really, we expect that gadget to do everything we want. That’s an absolute truth. We read the reviews, we see the display...
