Evan Selleck

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Evan Selleck

Evan is a Contributing Editor for PhoneDog. He's been in the mobile industry for more than seven years, in one capacity or another. He's always had a passion for technology as a whole, but smartphones will always hold a special place of interest for him. He's a father, a student, and a lover of food. His other passions include hockey, soccer, baseball, video games, and movies. He'll talk your ear off about all of those things, if you give him the chance.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

How badly do you hate ads?

The tablet market certainly heated up this last week, didn't it? Actually, it's become quite the interesting place over the last month or so. Ever since the Nexus 7 from Google found its way into...

Has Verizon already washed away the RAZR brand name?

Long before Motorola took the stage last week and unveiled a brand new range of devices within the RAZR and DROID family, I asked all of you whether or not you thought the DROID name stands for...

Which device should Apple replace?

We are just a few days away from September 12th, and that means we are just a few days away from the unveiling of a new Apple product. More specifically, a new iPhone. Our very own Taylor Martin...

Should manufacturers stop caring about major software updates?

If I try hard to remember, I think the first time that I saw a regular amount of people say that the general consumer doesn't care about updates was sometime last year. Maybe way back at the...

Manufacturers, stop comparing devices to Apple's

Next week, in less than seven days, Apple is going to take the stage and unveil the next iPhone. The rest of the world is going to watch, hold their breath, and then the preorders are going to go...

Do you care about the name of your phone?

Earlier this morning, an explosion went off in the Twitterverse. Did you hear it? Plenty of places covered it, about the source of the explosion. You saw it, right? Heard about it, maybe? It was...

Does Nokia need to try new hardware designs?

Tomorrow, Nokia will take the stage and unveil the next devices to own the Lumia brand. Along with them, we're expecting to see at least two devices that will showcase the newest version of...

iOS needs animated icons

At some point this month, Apple is supposed to unveil a new iPhone. That's the word on the street, anyway. With it, we'll see the launch of iOS 6, the newest and shiniest version of Apple's mobile...

I'm not letting hardware get my hopes up for Windows Phone 8, yet

Microsoft's mobile operating system, Windows Phone, is growing up. While many believed it would be Nokia to show off the first Windows Phone 8-based device, it turned out it got to be Samsung during...

Does being able to modify Android make or break the platform?

So, Android. The mobile operating system from Google. The OS that, without much warning, started steamrolling its way into the minds and homes of people all over the world. Android has indeed taken...

Which device or OS do you recommend to friends?

Finding our favorite devices is sometimes hard to do. We go through plenty of trial and error to get to that one handset that we actually love to use. More than that, we love to show it off to our...

Which smartphone would you keep using permanently?

A few months ago, I brought up the sci-fi notion of phone manufacturers releasing phones like cars. Maybe a stock option, with no frills, vanilla software, and a baseline for hardware. But then,...

Would you be willing to carry multiple tablets?

So Taylor carries multiple devices. He likes to, actually. And, based on the reactions he received when he asked all of you, Dear Readers, if you did the same thing, there are plenty of you out...

Is it a new day for prepaid?

Prepaid. The other way to get a phone. It's been there for ages, but you only hear about it in fleeting whispers here and there. The "Shadow Option," some call it. Present, yet just on the outskirts...

Does marketing matter anymore?

Companies spend an inordinate amount of time, effort, and money into advertising. Their marketing budgets are ridiculous sometimes, but the end result can be pretty impressive if it's done right....
