Evan Selleck

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Evan Selleck

Evan is a Contributing Editor for PhoneDog. He's been in the mobile industry for more than seven years, in one capacity or another. He's always had a passion for technology as a whole, but smartphones will always hold a special place of interest for him. He's a father, a student, and a lover of food. His other passions include hockey, soccer, baseball, video games, and movies. He'll talk your ear off about all of those things, if you give him the chance.

Author's latest articles, videos, reviews and more...

Manufacturers have to stop launching phones with outdated software

I recently had a conversation with a customer in a mobile retail store about Android, and while I didn’t go over any groundbreaking or “new” information (new to me, anyway), the conversation made me...

In the case of the HTC One X+, exclusivity may not be a bad thing

We’re nearing the end of the year, and we have to start shifting our focus accordingly. Just last month we could have kept our eyes on the handsets that companies launched earlier this year. Now...

Have you had any interesting experiences exchanging your device?

You follow the news. You’ve heard about the next great device. You’ve seen everyone praise it, tout it as the next best device you can get your hands on. And you luck out, because your carrier of...

Windows Phone 8 needs a bigger focus on Xbox LIVE

Even if I can’t use Windows Phone as my daily driver any longer, I still have the utmost respect for Microsoft’s mobile operating system. I will still admit that the platform is one of the best...

Are GSM carriers going to get all the Windows Phone 8 love?

Right now, we only know a part of the story when it comes to Microsoft’s next version of Windows Phone. Earlier this year the company took the stage to talk about the next great version of the...

Which do you prefer, LCD or AMOLED?

Which is better? Of two, or more things, which one is better? That’s the ultimate question, isn’t it? That’s why we find time on the Internet to compare stats, screen sizes, thinness, software, and...

How would you create the perfect webOS device?

In my earlier article today, I brought up webOS, and how the battery wasn’t all that great. I mentioned the Palm Pre and Pre Plus, but I could have also included the Pixi Plus in there, too. I’ve...

Do you carry around extra batteries?

I think I had forgotten what it’s like to worry about battery life. I wouldn’t say that’s a bad thing, of course, but now that I’m using a phone that isn’t an iPhone, things are a bit different. I...

How would you change BlackBerry 10 to save RIM?

Taylor Martin is starting to get bored with Research In Motion. So much so, in fact, that he’s having trouble getting excited about anything that the company does these days. In truth, it is...

How many different notification sounds do you use?

Even if your phone isn’t known for being the platform for customization, at least you know there’s one area where you can let your choices actually make a difference: the sounds. If you’re anything...

Which would you choose, a Facebook or Amazon smartphone?

So now that we have even more rumors going around that HTC and Facebook are working together to bring a “new” Facebook phone to market in the future, I was thinking about writing a “Devil’s advocate...

What do you do when you get a text from an unknown number?

Let’s set the scene. You are in your living room, there’s a TV on in the background but you’re not really paying attention to it. Instead, you’ve found yourself in your favorite chair, in the...

Should tablets launch with an option for cellular connectivity?

Tablets have played an interesting role in my life. I love them. Not as much as Taylor Martin, but then again I don’t know anyone who loves tablets as much as Taylor does. But, I can say I have a...

Would you root your Android device to get the newest software?

As companies start rolling out announcements regarding smartphones getting upgraded to Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, it’s pretty easy to get lost in the irony that they’re getting updated to a...

Jelly Bean has kept me in the Android fold

Before the Galaxy S III by Samsung launched for Verizon, I found myself playing with a Sprint-branded version at a local wireless shop. I’m not sure what made me want to start using it, considering...
